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2024 Events & Competitions

Inverno sul Po (Italy) – Feb 10-11

It was our first official regatta of 2024 and second participation with 4km races along the Po river on 2x, 4x and 8x. Strong team with 10 participants – it was cold and rainy, but it was fun! More infos on

Sarnen National Regatta – June 1-2

Eight penguins have fought for medals with success. Thanks also to Michael, Pedro and Regina for cheerleading.

Eurogames 🏳️‍🌈 Vienna – July 17-20

This was the main rowing event of the year for the Penguins! A big strong team of 21 rowers competed successfully with a total of nine medals received. See all results and pictures here.

Summer rowing excursion – July 27-30

Zurich Penguins meet Queerschlag Berlin! 4 days, around 140km on the magnificent Lake District of Mecklenburg close to Berlin. 11 rowers registered so far. More info: click here!

Gravitate training camp – Sep 12-15

Only one training camp is foreseen in 2024, a second edition at Varese lake. More info to come.

Sevilla Master Regatta – Oct 11-13

More info to come.