Our Highlights in 2022
2022 was the first yer of great accomplishments as Penguins – a first logo, hot outfits and visibility. Not to forget our coach Regula.

Sarnen regatta – June 4-5
Approximately 1400 rowing boats from Switzerland and abroad participated. Andres and Pooya started in 2x skull, the 4x race was cancelled due to storm.
Greifensee regatta – June 11-12
This regatta took place two weeks before the Swiss championships. Two Doppelvierer 4x Sebastian Dieter Antoine Marcos and 4x Michael Pedro Pooya Konrad completed the race (positions 9 & 7 resp.). Two other Doppelvierer 4x Michael Pedro Dieu Pooya 4x Konrad Sebastian Dieter Antoine arrived at pos. 3 resp. 5. Best Doppelzweier was Antoine and Konrad pos.5

Swiss championships Luzern-Rotsee July 1-3
Congrats to Fabiano and Dieu for winning gold and silver in quad and to Yves for winning bronze in skiff at the main international rowing event for experienced rowers in Switzerland.
Eurogames 🏳️🌈 Nijmegen July 27-30
This has been the main event most of the Penguins have been training for! Have a look at our results here.

Baden Achter Cup – Dec 17
It was the last regatta of the year for the Penguins.